An Episcopal School
At St. Andrew's-Sewanee School we enjoy a rich Anglican heritage. Our historic understanding of faith encourages openness and respect for other religious traditions while the school community remains grounded in the history, tradition, and liturgy of the Episcopal Church. Students are encouraged to find their own process to a faith that will provide them with a deeper understanding of life and service.
The overall school community is characterized by openness, trust and forgiveness.
As an Episcopal school, we believe that God is honored in the diversity of languages, cultures, and traditions. It is the very differences that delight God. At our best, we at SAS promote the importance of differing perspectives, because in so doing we better understand the world, God, and ourselves and will more fully understand how God is calling us to serve the world.
The Rev. Molly Short
- Students represent a wide range of faith traditions. One-quarter of our students are Episcopalian.
- The overall school community is characterized by openness, trust and forgiveness.
- The School Chaplain, an Episcopal priest, is a full time employee of the school and serves as pastor to the school community.
- Students and faculty attend regular chapel services in the 100-year-old St. Andrew's Chapel. An all-school Eucharist is celebrated on Wednesdays as a means of gathering and focusing the entire community at the beginning of each week. Music is an important part of our worship. Boarding students also attend a Compline service on Sunday evenings. As we are able, we will also provide transportation for students to additional worship services in the Episcopal church and/or other faith traditions.
- All seniors take a one year course focusing on the religions in the Abrahamic traditions. The course culminates in each student writing a Creedal Statement addressing the student's ultimate concerns and beliefs.
- Senior Chapel Talks are opportunities for members of the senior class to offer the gift of wisdom, truth, and encouragement to fellow students, faculty, and staff. Family, friends, and community members are encouraged to attend.
- With the help of our Chaplain, students may prepare for baptism or confirmation in the Episcopal Church.
I really appreciate the fact that this school accommodates everyone’s beliefs, even when they do not mirror the official school beliefs. I have never been made to feel uncomfortable about sharing my beliefs by the teachers or the other students.
Kenneth simmons '22
Were You There?
Chapel Staff

Molly Short
Chaplain, Residential Faculty, A.O.D (Sunday), Religion & Ethics
Honor and Trust
Honor and trust are vitally important in our small community. Every member of the community signs our Honor Code annually, vowing not to lie, cheat, or steal. Students accused of violating the Honor Code may be required to appear before the Honor Council, an elected committee of students and faculty advisors that deliberates about each situation and then makes a recommendation to the Head of School.
Chapel Music
Our chapel musicians include the Vocal Ensemble, interested instrumentalists, and occasional performances from student soloists and our Middle School ensembles.
Community Service
Service and outreach at SAS are reflections of our sense of responsibility for the community we live in. Projects range from schoolwide or class-based activities to students seeing a need and addressing it as individuals or in small groups. Upper School students are required to complete 15 hours of community service each year they are in the Upper School.
Religion in the Curriculum
As an Episcopal School, we are dedicated to helping our students understand the importance and influence of faith traditions as both cultural and ethical phenomena. Eighth grade students enjoy a one-semester Introduction to Ethics course and seniors complete a yearlong Introduction to Religious Studies course.
O God, who through the love and labor of many, has built upon this Mountain a goodly heritage, and has crowned our school with honor and length of days, we give you thanks for past achievements and future hopes accomplished in our midst; but chiefly do we offer gratitude for the gift of your son Jesus Christ, who is the cornerstone of our life together, and the revealer of all truth. May we, and all who follow after us, maintain a zealous quest for learning and wisdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
School Prayer