2018-2021 Strategic Plan
Challenge Balance Joy
Our 2018-2021 Strategic Plan seeks to build on the accomplishments of the past and expand our school's capacity for challenging our students to fulfill their greatest potential while helping them to cultivate lives of balance and joy. Together with our Campus Master Plan, our objective is to enhance opportunities to learn, live, and play in community.
- Learning, Collaboration, and Common Language
- Outdoor Education, Adventure, and Place-Based Opportunities
- Creativity, Innovation, and Design
- Wellness, Perspective, and Community
- Practical Matters
Learning, Collaboration, and Common Language
Outdoor Education, Adventure, and Place-Based Opportunities
Creativity, Innovation, and Design
Wellness, Perspective, and Community
Practical Matters
During our 2019 SAIS Accreditation process, we honed in on three Goals for School Improvement.