There are several payment options. For those opting for an initial partial payment, a reminder email and payment form will be sent. You may use the online payment form at any time - found on the main webpage for It's Better Than Camp! Payment in full must be received in full by June 30, 2025. Registration packet materials will be sent as PDFs via email. Mailed versions are available upon request.
CANCELLATION POLICY: If you must cancel your registration before June 15, 2025, all monies paid will be refunded except the $150 deposit. If you must cancel after June 15, a 50% penalty may be assessed. Documentation for illness or other extenuating circumstances will be required. If camp is cancelled by SAS prior to session start date, all payments will be refunded except a small processing fee. If camp is cancelled during session, a prorated refund may be provided based on the nature of cancellation. There are no refunds for early departure due to homesickness, illness, or behavioral issues.