Contagious Disease Prevention Policies
Questions or Concerns
Members of the SAS community who have questions or concerns are encouraged to contact the School Nurse of Dean of Students.
General Prevention Measures
Personal Hygiene
- Maintain personal hygiene.
- Wash hands with soap and water frequently and for a minimum of 20 seconds.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Do not share dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, or bedding with other people.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Wall-mounted hand sanitizer dispensers are in every restroom and will be installed in classrooms.
Boarding students and residential faculty are required to:
- Keep living spaces clean and tidy and wipe down high touch areas.
- Shower and do laundry regularly.
- Increase cleaning around campus, particularly locker rooms and bathrooms, and “high-touch” communal surfaces such as doors, desks, and computer keyboards.
Teachers and staff will:
- Wipe down doorknobs, desktops, and other common surfaces in their classroom/work area.
- Pay special attention to computers and their accessories.
Chapel Best Practices during Flu Season
Based on Joint Statement from the Bishops of Tennessee
Entering the Chapel
Hand Sanitizer will be placed at both entrances of the Chapel, and by the altar to be used by ministers distributing communion.
The Peace
During the passing of the peace, all are encouraged to fist bump rather than shake hands, high five etc.
The Holy Eucharist
Receiving the sacrament in one kind (i.e. only bread or only wine) has ancient precedent in our spiritual life. We believe that those who receive only the bread (or wine) have fully received. The bread will be distributed by Eucharistic ministers who have cleansed their hands. Wine will still be available to those who wish to receive it. Avoid Intinction during communion: Because hands are a common source of infection, Intinction (dipping bread into the wine) by the communicant is not a sanitary substitute for drinking from the chalice. Therefore all who wish to receive wine will drink directly from the cup.
In the Event of Illness
Day students and non-residential employees of SAS should not be on campus if they have had fever, vomiting, or diarrhea within the last 24 hours or are known to be contagious.
Boarding students and residential employees should report fever, vomiting, or diarrhea to the School Nurse as soon as practicable. An infected student will remain in the Health Clinic during school hours and return to their room for the evening. Meals will be brought to the student. The roommate will be moved to a separate room. Visits to patients may be limited by decision of the School Nurse. If you suspect that someone is ill but is not seeking diagnosis or treatment, you should report your concern to the School Nurse.
In the Event of Widespread Illness
In the event of widespread illness, it may be necessary to suspend classes to allow for physical distancing and reduce the spread. In this event:
- Day students and some or all non-residential employees may be asked to remain off campus
- Boarding students whose families are within a day’s drive may be asked to return home
- Residential faculty will be asked to remain on duty, as they are able, to tend to the needs of our remaining boarding students
- The school will require teachers to offer and students to participate, as they are able, in distance learning opportunities
Learning from Home Plan
As stated in the School Handbook, to the extent possible, SAS will follow a learning from home plan with the goal of continuing the learning process when classes are cancelled or if a student is on medical leave:
- Teachers will post lessons for their classes by 9:00 am. in the Homework section of CORE on the actual class meeting day.
- Lessons are authentic and purposeful, allowing teachers to move the class forward and continue the learning process in a meaningful way.
- Lessons can take a variety of forms, serve a variety of learning purposes, and incorporate a variety of resources. Lessons are something students can accomplish in the absence of the teacher.
- Lessons will take about 30 - 45 minutes depending upon the nature of the class and the age of the student.
- Students are asked to submit work digitally or bring it to the next class meeting.
- If students don’t have access to school supplies from home or are unable to complete assignments to due to lack of internet/wifi access, they are expected to be proactive and communicate with their teacher(s) in advance of the next class meeting.