Outdoor & Physical Education

Students working out in weight room

Students are required to take Health and Fitness in the ninth grade. The class meets twice a week for 90 minutes. The first half of the class takes place in the classroom, where students discuss various health topics. During the second half of the class, the students are active in the gym, weight room, track, or on our campus trails. The goal of the class is to instill in the students lifelong healthy habits of exercise, diet and decision making. 

2024-2025 Courses

Outdoor & Physical Education Faculty

Michael Short

Michael Short

Titles: Outdoor Education & Place-Based Learning Coordinator, Humanities, Mountain Biking (Co-Head), Outdoor Adventure, 6th Grade Level Program Lead, Residential Faculty
Degree(s): B.A. English and Environmental Studies, Furman University
M.Ed. English Language Arts, Wake Forest University
Phone Numbers:
School: 931.598.5651 ext. 1019
Kayla (Fhae) Long

Kayla (Fhae) Long

Titles: Visual Arts, Ceramics Instructor
Degree(s): B.A., Ceramics and Marketing, Austin Peay State University
A.A., Early Childhood Education, Nashville State Community College
Matt Sparacio

Matt Sparacio

Titles: Middle School Science, Physical Education Teacher, Mathematics Teacher, Head Wrestling Coach
Degree(s): B.S., History & Elementary Education, Roger Williams University
Tracy Terry

Tracy Terry

Titles: Chemistry, Math & Science Lab, Outdoor Adventure
Degree(s): Ph.D., Inorganic Chemistry, Stanford University
B.S., Chemistry, The University of the South
Tim Wallace

Tim Wallace

Titles: Humanities Department, Head Coach of Girls' Varsity Soccer
Rob Zeitler

Rob Zeitler

Titles: Director of Athletics, Health and Fitness, Physical Education, Varsity Volleyball (Head), Varsity Boys' Basketball (Head), Residential Faculty
Degree(s): B.S. Physical Education and English, University of Wisconsin at LaCrosse
M.S. Sports Administration, Georgia State University
Phone Numbers:
School: 931.463.2147